Below is the measurement for the 3 standard sizes our hands-free adapter come in, from the length it can be tightened to, to the length it can be loosened to (+/- up to 5cm).
- Size XS: ~60cm - 110cm*
- Size S: ~70cm - 120cm
- Size M: ~80cm - 140cm
*I.e., for Size XS, the tightest the adapter can be adjusted to is ~55/60cm for around-the-waist and it can be lengthened to at most ~110cm for cross-body.
Choosing Your Size: Take a soft tape and measure around your waist
- If the measurement is 50-70cm, we recommend Size XS (typically US 00-0 for clothing)
- If the measurement is 70cm-85cm, we recommend Size S (typically US 0-4/6 for clothing)
- If the measurement is >90cm, we recommend Size M
- If the measurement is <50cm around-the-waist or >150cm cross-body, we can help customize your adapter
PLEASE NOTE: Size XS can be tight for cross-body, so remember to measure cross-body as well to check the maximum length of the adapter. And remember to account for winter/thicker clothing!
For reference: Tom (6' Male with measurement of 105cm) and Jacq (5'1" Female with measurement of 70cm) both share a size S adapter, though Tom can also fit a size M more comfortably when wearing it cross-body.
Email us at if you need help finding your best fit or if you need your adapter custom fitted.